It's that time. The time when you get to buy your very own car. No longer do you need to borrow your parents, siblings, or friend's car and you can wave goodbye to the days of waiting at the bus stop or for the Uber/Lyft driver.
This is one of those exciting moments in life you will remember and you should be able to look back at it fondly. It is important to know the process and what to do. Here are 7 things to consider when buying your first car.
- Should you buy used or new?
- Should you buy or is it better to lease?
- Take the afternoon off to ensure enough time is given for the car buying process. Do not rush it.
- Consider leaving your children at home so you can solely focus on the information you are being given.
- Bring a friend or family member who has experience in buying or leasing vehicles. Allow for their input.
- Always take the vehicle out for a test drive. Drive on different types of roads and park it.
- What features are your must-haves? Sunroof? Heated Seats? etc.
Research online prior to going to the dealership and while there, ask the salesperson a lot of questions. Gather as much info about your first vehicle as you can. The more, the better.
Remember, this is your time so enjoy this moment for you will always remember your first car.